Cornwall District Kennel Club


Membership shall be open to all persons eighteen years of age and older who are members in good standing with the Canadian Kennel Club or who are eligible for membership and who subscribe to the purposes of the Club and those of the Canadian Kennel Club. 
Membership in the Club is based on the calendar year and dues are payable by the first day of each year. During the month of November, the Secretary shall notify each member, by Canada Post, that the dues for the ensuing year are payable. Annual membership fees shall be established by the Board of Directors.

Applications for membership can be made any time during the year. 

Membership Form

If interested in joining our Club and helping in the organization or participating in our Club's activities, please download and complete the Membership Application form and send it with the appropriate fees to our Secretary at the address below:

Aileen Murray
4585 Chapel Road,
Martintown, Ontario K0C 1S0 
Tel: 613-330-9928 Email:
